Let's Linger Memories Longer.☺ ♡ ☮

Some Firsts on the Last week
posted on Monday, October 3, 2011 at 10:41 AM | 0 cmnt/s

It's my first time in college to find a book using OPAC, borrow a book from our college library. It's my first time to actually read the book that I borrowed. It's my first time to feel this dedicated to a paper that I'm doing. And it feels good by the way. :)

I had a good day today! Add to that the fact that I finished my book review with out really reading ALL the contents of the book. (But I read!! Promise! ;D)

"One of the best feelings in the world: crossing out that one hardto-do, time-consuming, head-breaking, sleep-defying item on your to do list"
-@flolovesyou, 1:35 am-October 4, 2011.

*Yeah! That's my twitter username, so if you want to follow me there, just do so. :) Thank you for reading! Good night!! :D
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