Let's Linger Memories Longer.☺ ♡ ☮

A year older, many times tougher and wiser
posted on Saturday, June 30, 2012 at 8:58 AM | 0 cmnt/s

This birthday is quite a different one. This year, I became eighteen. And a lot of things change when they turn eighteen. Well, the most obvious change would be that I could get jailed if I've done something against the law, which hopefully, I wont. HAHA

Another reason why this birthday is a quite different one is because I had a celebration. Well, I'm eighteen. I'm obliged to hold a celebration. But I didn't have that conventional one.

May 18, 2012;; my birthday, part one.
Cams had 6 ride-all-you can tickets to Star City to be availed until the 31st of the month. She decided to share those tickets with us, the Zogo Club, as her gift to my birthday and also, for the sake of clingy moments. :))

May 19, 2012;; My Birthday-Part 2
Since I'm a mermaid, (chauce) I chose to celebrate my debut through a pool party. So, I rented a resort in Pansol, Laguna because:

 1.) I'm familiar with the place 2.) My LB friends could go 3.) My Diliman and HS friends could go outside Malabon and/or Quezon City 4.)There are many private resorts in there and 5.) Lady's uncle owns one.

We spent the night @ Cam's house in Las Pinas aka another clingy overnight with the zombies. 
My party was supposed to start at 6 or 7 in the evening, but because of the different forces in the universe, which I could not control, we started at 10 instead.

They prepared a surprise for me. All of my friends, HS, LB and Diliman friends. Renz took part too. Well, it was a success because I cried. Well, how often do you not see me cry? Kidding.

The most happiest part, except crying and blowing my 18 candles, was the sky lanterns part. I really love sky lanterns. Renz bought 18 for me. :')

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