Let's Linger Memories Longer.☺ ♡ ☮

Just a quick realization:
posted on Monday, October 3, 2011 at 9:24 AM | 0 cmnt/s

All women are alike in one way or another. I cam across some note on facebook about the likes and dislikes of girls. Somehow, it also serves as a guideline for boys so that they could and would understand us girls better.

Every item that was brought up there made me go "TAMA!" "Korek!" and "Oo nga no!" Haha, which was funny because it was written by a girl I don't know. Though I don't know who she is and I have no clue about her story, I can conclude that we share the same feelings, same thoughts, same wants, same needs--When it comes to boys and love and matters of the heart. <3
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