Let's Linger Memories Longer.☺ ♡ ☮

New year = New Mantra in Life
posted on Sunday, February 12, 2012 at 2:43 AM | 0 cmnt/s

"Refuse to believe that there are things you 

cannot do." 

Well, I chose that because towards the end of January and the early days of February, I did things I thought I CAN'T and I WON'T do.

January 25, 2012 : Mapua's Foundation Day, Sky Lanterns Festival
With Raymart the Mapuan :)
Ahhh, Sky lanterns! :)

February 4-5, 2012 : Geog Camp @ Kampo Trexo, Tagaytay

[✔]ziplining [✔]rapelling [✔]trekking [✔]tight rope walking [✔]wall climbing And most especially, formed a square from a round rope, blind folded.

trekking somewhere between mountains and rivers :P
Photo op with the Cob! :)

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