Let's Linger Memories Longer.☺ ♡ ☮

Sembreak is all about emptying you mind and getting it ready for the next semester
posted on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 7:26 AM | 0 cmnt/s

Well, this is just to break down my previous blogs about how 'productive' my sem break would be. Plus, this also an update on what things I've already  cross out my Sembreak To Do list: 

☑Read a good book (I finished Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone overnight!! + Will finish off the whole series with in my break. #crossedfingers, thanks for sending the ebooks M!)

☑Finish the Gossip Girl series and wait for more (Just because Season 5 is on going and it airs weekly. Waiting is for the weak tho. Pffft.)

☑Play Sims Social on Facebook (Which I find boring already. I can't expand my lot, meaning there's no new room to arrange and decorate, which is my sole purpose of playing it.)

☑Bond with friends, esp. high school fellows. Visited and watched movies with Lei yesterday (monday) and I will be playing badminton with my high school barkada tomorrow (wednesday)

 ☑Sleep lavishly (Get back all the Zzzz's I lost during the past semester: recharge my battery. Thus, I will be lacking sleep again once the next semester starts.)

☑Repeat ( I'm so good at this! Trust me.)

So, that's my sem break so far. You think it's productive? If you ask me, Hmmm, Definitely Maybe. :P Thanks for reading! :D

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