Let's Linger Memories Longer.☺ ♡ ☮

Love: Expectations and Realities
posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 11:03 AM | 0 cmnt/s

I know I should be sleeping at this time of the night, knowing that I have a 10am class tomorrow and I should wake up at 7, but my restless mind has been consistent in making me think of realizations before submerging into a dreamless sleep... which gave me the idea of publishing my thoughts into my online diary.

A while ago, R and I had a fight again. Fighting again and again makes you think, why? And at the same time answer your question.

When I was a little bit younger, I thought love was all about holding hands, boys giving flowers to the girls they like, having someone to call at times you can't sleep on your own.. yeah. I was a bit melodramatic and idealistic when it comes to love.

Then, I grew up.

I finally understood the difference of infatuation to mature, true love. Love is not getting what you want all the time. It's about taking turns, sacrifices, forgiveness. It's far from just giving gifts-it's about making them from scratch. It's about fighting and fighting all over again, but still not giving up because you have a big reason not to.

Well, this is just another blurt out of my bitchy mind. Read it or don't, believe it or not, I'm just saying. :) Good night!! :D
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