Let's Linger Memories Longer.☺ ♡ ☮

Meet my evil little sister.♔
posted on Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 1:12 AM | 0 cmnt/s

"Best friends are sisters that destiny forgot to give us"
She may look evil, but this pretty face is a lot more than what meets the eye..

Well, let's start with the basics. Her name is Clarissa Ann Lacsamana Pacalda. Almost all people call her Issa, her best friend and family call her Clariss, Alfi calls her Issay, Renz call her Say and I call her sis/beybe.
Who would have thought that a one hour (+) encounter would start a friendship like this?

It was one dim lit afternoon, the bells of the church nearby sounds desperately, as if signaling everybody to calm down and go home. The sun is getting ready to set while students flee and flocked in and out of the small campus.
The campus was once my home, now I am just a visitor.
I was a traveler that day and I thought of coming back.
I was looking for a friend to return the clothes she lent to me. Because I came there without notice, she already left when I arrived.

Life presents us so many twists and turns we don't even know what would gonna last. And luckily, I grabbed a chance that eventually, I am likely to hold on to forever.

Two young girls were sitting at a space students used to call 'foyer', the reason behind that, i don't know. 
One of the girls uttered, "Are you looking for Renz?"
I shook my head and that who would know, was the beginning of an unexpected sisterhood.

Chubby & almost siopao-like faces, gestures, giggles- these were just some of the commonalities we have, who would have thought that since then, our lives will be tangled, will be intertwined; we are destined to be sisters from the very beginning, we just didn't know at that time.

November 30 last year, we decided to meet up and eat at Mcdo with our partners. From then on, we knew that it is a fun thing to do together.
Encounter like those drew us closer, similar stories and heart aches made us lean on each other. Midnight girl talks, crayola moments, food trips, random chats
These served as bricks in building a friendship nobody thought was possible.
 *March 26: Breakfast at Jollibee*

All was well until the third of July this year came.
I was there.
I caught my last glimpse of her as she walked passed the thick glass doors of the airport.
I saw her crying and I felt tears roll down my face too. 
My last memory of her, before she left for the States, was a tight hug, I don't even know how long that hug was. But One thing's on my mind, If I can just never let go...

From that day on, I felt like airports could be the happiest and gloomiest places in the world, and in my case, it felt more like the latter.
 Nothing could be so much harder than living conversely timed lives. It's like a double burden, one's a million miles away from the other, plus they live on entirely different, it not directly opposite, timezones.

Luckily, the internet's best  feature is making the world as small as your neighborhood. I get to talk to this girl, well, not everyday, but as our time permits. 
I am waiting for the few more years until she comes home. Maybe that time, tons of things seem to change, irrevocably and inevitable it is. 
But love for a friend is known to be constant, what more love from a sister.
I know that she'll come back soon and one thing's for sure, we'll wait for her.
A Friend is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.

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