Let's Linger Memories Longer.☺ ♡ ☮

I can't believe I wrote this.
posted on Thursday, October 6, 2011 at 9:25 AM | 0 cmnt/s

*Browsing my old posts, look what I've found!

-April 7, 2011: "What's Happening?"
And you know what's the hardest part? i should spill out my sadness quietly, i have to cry without a sound. After he told me not to call again, he dropped the phone dead. my heart broke as i heard the dial tone, tears fell like a rushing water fall from my eye. I know its so melodramatic, like a series from television or a novel written by some chic. I really wish that would work, at least there is a guarantee that my life is set on a happy ending.

I am wondering why am I still hurt with situations like this, my mind says i should act numb, i should feel numb. But my heart feels pain like it was never hurt before, like it's the first time to be broken, first time to be torn.
-March 19, 2011: "sick and tired"
in times like this,I FEEL I DESERVE SOMEONE BETTER. :(
Someone that would wait for me to fall asleep, even though his eyes are telling him to let them restSomeone that would say sorry and truly mean it by not doing again that mistakeSomeone that would really mean every word that he say and fulfill every promise he sworeSomeone that would be awaken by the first ring of my call when I can't sleep at nightSomeone that would be patient enough to tell me a bed time story, and wish me a sweet dreamSomeone that would be brave enough to face my dad without my permission and introduce himself on his ownSomeone that would ....
I know someone will be hurt reading this. But, I really wanna burst out my emotions and thoughts.I don't want to end up crying myself to sleep, trying to fix things in my mind.
I know tomorrow, I'd be okay. I'll forget things that happened and go on with the usual way. But, everytime the same things happen, I feel like this. :(
I feel like a diamond that lost it's hardness.I feel like an unprecious gemI feel like a useless rugI feel like a crystal that lost its charmI feel like money that lost its value 
I feel like a person that lost its worth 
It's just that, I can't believe I was the one to write these words. It just seems that every word fit. :)) Haha
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