Let's Linger Memories Longer.☺ ♡ ☮

Final takes before First Sem ends
posted on Sunday, October 2, 2011 at 8:21 AM | 0 cmnt/s

The end of my sophomore year's first semester is now fast approaching. One week from now, it's already over. Though I still some business to settle before this sem closes:

[]I still have to write a 3-5page review about any History of the Press book to be submitted this tuesday. (Journ100-major) 
[]Still have to finish our Ethnography paper for Anthro10. Thank God it's a group paper. (to be submitted on Oct.10)
[]Comm100 Position Paper. WTF WTF. It's just that, all the effort that you will give this damn subject will be wasted. Prof will just guess and give you a random grade. Just plain bull sh*t.
[]Add to that my Eng11 novel analysis :| 
+ I still have final exams (J100, J101 and Eng12) + Play Presentation (Comm100) = I wish it's not the end of the sem after all. :|
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