Let's Linger Memories Longer.☺ ♡ ☮

sick and tired.
posted on Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 12:21 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Right now, I feel like I deserve better, way far better. Do I deserve to be treated like this?

Each day will somehow be like the others. It'll start good then end miserably, leaving me with a broken heart. Then come next day, everything will be back to normal, like nothing happened. Sorry's were said, but nothing will change. It's like we're trapped in a cycle, same things, same mistakes, making me expect what will happen next. And I know, that expectation will be true.

in times like this,I FEEL I DESERVE SOMEONE BETTER. :(

Someone that would wait for me to fall asleep, even though his eyes are telling him to let them rest
Someone that would say sorry and truly mean it by not doing again that mistake
Someone that would really mean every word that he say and fulfill every promise he swore
Someone that would be awaken by the first ring of my call when I can't sleep at night
Someone that would be patient enough to tell me a bed time story, and wish me a sweet dream
Someone that would be brave enough to face my dad without my permission and introduce himself on his own
Someone that would ....

I know someone will be hurt reading this. But, I really wanna burst out my emotions and thoughts.
I don't want to end up crying myself to sleep, trying to fix things in my mind.

I know tomorrow, I'd be okay. I'll forget things that happened and go on with the usual way. But, everytime the same things happen, I feel like this. :(

I feel like a diamond that lost it's hardness.
I feel like an unprecious gem
I feel like a useless rug
I feel like a crystal that lost its charm
I feel like money that lost its value
I feel like a person that lost its worth

I know it's bad to be not contented with what you have, but, it's my selfish self that is speaking now. I don't know what to do. I'm tired of doing the same things again and again but I can't live without him too. I can't afford to loose him, not even a day. I know that I'll eat every word written here. But at least, I shared.
It feels good to release all the things that we feel.

I dont know how to end this, so,
Til we meet again. :)
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